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WISE is comprised of several products divisions, state-of-the art manufacturing facilities, service center and over 60 distributors worldwide.

For more than 54 years, the name WISE has been standing for innovation and quality in the field of pressure, temperature and gas measurement. WISE is comprised of several products divisions, state-of-the art manufacturing facilities, service center and over 60 distributors worldwide.

WISE is a unique organization of individuals linked by the pursuit of excellence in product design, manufacture, service and distribution.
Major markets served by WISE include the power generating industry, oil & gas, petrochemical and chemical processing, the pulp & paper industry, semiconductor manufacturing, the metallurgical industry, biopharmaceutical and food & beverage industry.

WISE will continue its efforts to make WISE products an integral part of the development plans of its customers, the new and exciting challenges will be met by building on a successful past rooted in recognizing and responding to customer needs, designing and producing quality products to meet those needs, proving premier customer service, and building strong & lasting business relationship.
